Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Tribute

With all of the sequels, remakes, and just plain Hollywood crap that is being released these days I wanted to give a tribute to a few films that seem to get over looked. None of them have much of a budget, but if you have a sense of humor or even an appreciation of original thought....Check em out.


Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter

Prison A Go Go

Blood Car

Blood Feast (An oldie but a goodie)

And who can forget Lucio Fulci's Zombie...Zombie vs Shark!

B movies made by people who love B movies this is what I love. So please stop asking me if I'm going to see Avatar. You know who you are...SEAN.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Wanna Do You In The 80's

During Conan O'Brien's last show me and a friend where discussing how Tom Hanks used to be doable...Which made us think about who we would like to do in the 80's.

I would do you in the 80's

Corey Haim

Joey Lawrence

Yep all the Heathers (might be the name)and a Veronica.

And that brings us to of course Christian Slater

River Phoenix

Ralph Macchio

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why Jeffrey Combs Is So Awesome

Jeffrey Combs is one of the greatest character actors of our time...He could be compared to Claude Rains, Walter Brennan, or even M. Emmet Walsh. Jeffrey has been terribly prolific acting in more films and shows that anyone would even notice. He pops up constantly with me always asking, "is that Jeffrey Combs", and it always is.
I first saw Jeffrey in Re-Animator, this is also the time I discovered H.P. Lovecraft, I loved his humor and horror. Re-Animator is the story of Herbert West; a Swiss medical student who has perfected a serum for regenerating life into dead things...or even parts of dead things. But a corrupt superior, Dr. Carl Hill, assumes control of West's experiments using the stuff on his own severed head and body. West struggles to control the now out-of-control effects of the serum. This is the first and my personal favorite H.P. Lovecraft film I saw featuring Jeffrey Combs.

Other H.P. Lovecraft* stories featuring Jeffrey Combs...From Beyond, Necronomicon, Lurking Fear, Castle Freak(another personal favorite),The Dunwich Horror, and of course the sequels of Re-Animator: Bride of Re-Animator, Beyond Re-Animator, and to come House of Re-Animator.

* H.P. Lovecraft(August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American author of horror, fantasy, and science fiction, known then simply as weird fiction.

Along with his collaboration with Lovecraft's stories he has had a long working relationship with Stuart Gordon. Stuart Gordon is one of the more interesting horror directors, he tends to bring classic horror into the present. Jeffery and Gordon have worked on Re-animator, Castle Freak, The Black Cat, The Pit and The Pendulum, From Beyond, and now a stage show Nevermore featuring Jeffrey as Edgar Allen Poe.

Since I did claim Jeffrey Combs to be one of the greatest character actors of our time I suppose I should back that up...In film or TV I'm sure you have seen him, but never even noticed.

Pit and The Pendulum

Return to House on Haunted Hill



Star Trek

Well, I know this was far too nerdy, but there are so many reasons to think that Jeffrey Combs is awesome. I hope I have inspired you to check out a few of his films or maybe just be able to recognize Jeffrey Combs when you see him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Reasons Why I Wish I Was In An Action Movie

Yes, I have been watching far too many action films, even though they are all exactly the same, I can't get enough. It all started with "Sherlock Holmes", god damn you Robert Downey Jr., then "Star Trek" which I have seen twice in a week, and now the Jason Bourne movies! I WANNA BE IN ONE....and here is why.
Amazing Outfits




Epic Car Chases

And Living On The Lamb...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Remakes...There Has To Be More Ideas Out There

Friday the 13, Nightmare on Elm Street, Piranha, Halloween, My Bloody Valentine, I am Legend, The Invasion, The Crazies, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Last House on the Left, Reanimator, Scream(and the entire franchise), The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rosemary's Baby, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Motel Hell, Prom Night, Day of the Dead, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, COME ON!

With so many young talented film makers out there why does Hollywood need to remake films that were good in the first place.

Also just because you make a film 3D doesn't mean that you don't have to make it good.

Songs That I Am Seriously Driving People Crazy With

In no particular order...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To slash

* To cut or form by cutting with forceful sweeping strokes: slash a path through the underbrush.
* To cut a slit or slits in, especially so as to reveal an underlying color: slash a sleeve.
* To make forceful sweeping strokes with or as if with a sharp instrument.
* Also in some circles vodka and orange soda.