Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Tribute

With all of the sequels, remakes, and just plain Hollywood crap that is being released these days I wanted to give a tribute to a few films that seem to get over looked. None of them have much of a budget, but if you have a sense of humor or even an appreciation of original thought....Check em out.


Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter

Prison A Go Go

Blood Car

Blood Feast (An oldie but a goodie)

And who can forget Lucio Fulci's Zombie...Zombie vs Shark!

B movies made by people who love B movies this is what I love. So please stop asking me if I'm going to see Avatar. You know who you are...SEAN.


Hank said...

Blood Feast and Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter are sooo awesome!

the heather said...

Yes sir they are!